I thought that same way until I really got into creating some applications
with it.  To me it's unbelievable how much stuff is available in that
framework.  I think where most people get hung up is on comparing Rails to
CF.  Rails is a framework that provides a lot of functionality for you.
Ruby, the underlying language would be the comparison to CF.  In my opinion,
Ruby comes out stronger because it's not only a web app language, it's
available straight from the command prompt if you like.  Plus, it's not
stuck in the middle like CF is, in that CF is a loosely typed language built
on top of a strictly typed language which causes some pain.  Ruby is built
ground up as an object language for which each object has standard methods
of to_i, to_s, etc.

One thing I will say is that in learning Rails, my CF programming quality
has definitely increased.  Heck even my javascript programming quality has

On 4/19/06, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Basically with Ruby it comes down to this (in my short investigation of
> it....I
> stopped because it is NOT the Holy Grail)....
> It does lots of stuff for you...right up until it needs to something
> different
> then the default...then you are right back writing custom code to make
> your
> "something different" work.
> So IMHO unless you are writing VERY simple interfaces and data
> interactions, you
> might as well just write your code from scratch (or your own wonderful
> code
> libraries etc).
> So no...RoR does not make coding magically simple, but it does make simple
> coding magic ;-)
> Cheers
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> phone: 250.480.0642
> fax: 250.480.1264
> cell: 250.920.8830
> web: www.electricedgesystems.com

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