On 4/19/06, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Basically with Ruby it comes down to this (in my short investigation of 
> it....I
> stopped because it is NOT the Holy Grail)....
> It does lots of stuff for you...right up until it needs to something different
> then the default...then you are right back writing custom code to make your
> "something different" work.

I've seen this comment more than once from CF developers and it's
simply *not* true. Rails does an enormous amount automatically if you
follow the conventions (one of it's explict design principles) but
gives you total control of that behavior if you want to customize it:

don't like plural table names?
ActiveRecord::base.pluralize_table_names=false in environment.rb

want to override a table name?
class someTable < ActiveRecord::Base
  set_table_name "some_crazy_table_name"

and so on and so on. You've got to do a rails project before you
really start to understand how much is built in

> So IMHO unless you are writing VERY simple interfaces and data interactions, 
> you
> might as well just write your code from scratch (or your own wonderful code
> libraries etc).

That's a pretty misleading assessment. Rails apps can be arbitrarily
complex without any more limitations than CF except for a few edge
cases like good CORBA integration (since we all write so many
CORBA-oriented CF apps ;)

> So no...RoR does not make coding magically simple, but it does make simple
> coding magic ;-)

Having built ColdFusion apps for years and doing my 2nd production
Rails app (with several more in various stages of completion,
including two CF->Rails ports) I'd say *ASSUMING YOU KNOW RUBY* that
you can get more done in Rails than in CF for an equal amount of work.
I'd say the same for Java, having done a handful of J2EE and web-based
java apps.

CF has a couple of specific places where is is currently far superior
+ Java integration (which in RoR requires web-service or similar
integration until JRuby is working)
+ Flash integration (though the Alph project hooks into Ruby really nicely)
+ PDF/etc generation

And one big plus -- CF works on Windows *far* better than Rails. Rails
is a *pain* to configure with stability and performance on Windows.
John Paul Ashenfelter
(blog) http://www.ashenfelter.com

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