If you want to start simple, forget all those acronyms, forget design
patterns, forget activity diagrams.  You want to learn the very basics
of what objects are and what they can do for you.  You also won't
understand the conceptual books without practicing some real code.

My suggestion would be to learn some basics of another language that is
written to take advantage of OOP.  As you know, ColdFusion isn't, and
there aren't good books that show you how to think that way via code in

One thing I had a friend do recently was download Microsoft C# Express
and gave him my O'Reilly C# book
(http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/progcsharp2/) and had him focus on the
chapters involving the canons of OOP.  Within two weeks, he had finished
all of the code tutorials, tried some things on his own and had a
basuic, yet solid, understanding of OOP.

Without writing real code, you won't gain a true understanding of the

Steve "The Boss" Brownlee

-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Skinner [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 16, 2006 12:46 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: SOT: OOD/Design Patterns and ColdFusion.

I guess I just do not have a natural OOP/OOD/OOA type mind.  I get a
basic object and its purpose to encapsulate data and functionality.  But
as soon as I try to start putting objects together to build a system, I
quickly get lost in a quagmire.  This usually results in my falling back
to my procedural experience, peppered with a small object or two, to get
the current task done by my deadline.

So can anybody point out a good resource or ten on how to actually
program with object and patterns.  Everything I have found to date seems
to be geared on selling the why one should program this way and are very
light on the how one actually writes the code.

Conversely, if I can pick the minds of this group, maybe somebody can
give me some pointers on how one would solve a common web requirement
with objects/cfcs.  This would be a basic admin task of showing a list
of items allowing for the adding and editing of these items with data
validation and the storage of the data in a database.  

I hear terms like beans, DAO's, MVC patterns ect.  But I can't figure
out how to even start coding all this.  

I suppose that one could just pick a framework that uses all this.  But
I would feel much more comfortable with choosing among the growing list
of frameworks if I had a clearer understanding of the basics.

Thanks in advance.

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