I'm doing something obviously wrong but can't seem to see it.

In my Application.cfm, I declare a variable and in a page, I use it.   
But it's not showing up.  The page at first displayed the  
information, but it's not doing so now.  I have a cfapplication tag  
in the Application file and it had a sessiontimeout, and when I  
removed the timeout, I stopped getting the var.  Putting it back in  
didn't seem to help.  BTW, I am putting this in the request scope and  
I was told to do that years ago, but I never knew why and just do it  
cause I was told.  What is the request scope?

Here's my code.

<cfapplication sessionmanagement="yes" setclientcookies="yes"  
name="career_expo" clientmanagement="Yes"  

<cfif NOT structKeyExists(session,'user')>
        <cfset session.user = duplicate(variables.foo)>

<cfset request.the_year = '2006'>
<cfset request.the_date = 'May 4'>


Page Code:

<span class="heading2">#request.the_date#, 2006<br>
10 am - 1 pm<br></span>

I'm just trying to put the information that I have displayed in  
several places into one place to make it easy to change.


Daniel Kessler

College of Health and Human Performance
University of Maryland
Suite 2387 Valley Drive
College Park, MD  20742-2611
Phone: 301-405-2545

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