My only advice for working with AC is to run away, terribly fast. It is 
a total piece. I know you're looking for advice, so I will give you 
some. Chalk up what you've spent on it as a loss and ditch it 
immediately. If you really want a CF-based off-the-shelf packaged cart 
application, look into Cartweaver or CFWebstore... Getting out of bed 
with AC now is going to save you more money and frustration in the long 
run than it's going to cost you to write it off and go with something 
worth using.

This is that one product that was SO BAD that I promised not only never 
to work with it again, but to make sure that every time I heard someone 
talk about it I would make absolutely sure that they knew how low my 
opinions of the software and the company actually are. The single 
year-long project I was on working with AC was a complete nightmare 
filled with hours of talking to the least helpful and least professional 
support personnel with whom I've ever had the bad fortune to speak.

Of course, that's just my opinion...

Ken Ferguson

Eric Roberts wrote:
> Anyone here ever customize an Able Commerce shopping cart?  I am installing
> this so that it can be inserted within the context of the existing site
> (using the headers and left side navigation features already present on the
> site, with that cart being the body of the store section of the site)  This
> site uses another package as a content manager(not a very good one at that),
> but, unfortunately, we need to work with what we have as they are not
> allowing us to do a complete redo on the site.  Any help on this would be
> appreciated...or at least if someone could point me to a good resource.
> Able Commerce's tech support system sucks.  Once you have it installed
> (regardless if you have installed in the context of you site or not), you
> are on your own, unless you want to pay 150/hr for customization support.
> Needless to say, we won't be purchasing this ever again.  When I complained
> about this to their customer service, all I got was attitude and how that is
> how their model is and that they are not changing it.  I have also had this
> same question on their forums for the past 2-3 days and have not received a
> response from anyone.  Thanks in advance!
> Eric

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