Ken...I am beginning to agree that this is a real POS.  I only hope we can use 
something esle, or this is going to be a real headache.  The way our server is 
set up is we have the site and a secure site (one is the other is  The store keys apparently only work for one domain and will 
not work with this configuation.  The real stupid thing is that int he admin 
page for the store, you can change the url for the secure site for your store.  
If you can specify a different url for the secure site, why would this only 
work with one domain?  What a way to start a monday morning, huh? GRRRRRR  I 
think I will join you on your crusade to let people know how much of a POS this 
package is.  When i talked to thier customer support on Friday about my 
dissatisfaction with thier tech support policies, all I got was attitude and I 
think the quote was something like this is the model we use...we have been 
doing this for years and we are not going to change.  Great way to keep 
customers, huh?


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