Right now my config.xml file resides where it can be browsed and read easily. 
Ray C. helped me a while back on how to secure it. One of the options is to 
place outside the root and read it. This needs to work with a shared host so 
that's not a good option. Another was to setup a defaults.cfm file with the xml 
commented out. Then you read the file, taking out the comments. If someone 
browses to the file, they'd see nothing.

Could you use <cfxml> to do somethin along these lines? How does everyone else 
do this? 
Could I see some examples? Here's what I've got now. 

<!--- Read config.xml and save all the values for use in APPLICATION scope--->
<cffunction name="loadApplicationVariables" returntype="void" output="false">
 <cfset var serverName = "production">
 <cfset var xmlFilePath = "D:/inetpub/*******/****/config.xml">
 <!--- <cfset var xmlFilePath = "C:/cfusionmx7/wwwroot/******/config.xml">---> 
         <cfset var key = "">
         <cfset var thevalues = "">                             
<!--- Read and create a new CF XML document object--->   
    <cfset thevalues = XMLparse("#xmlFilePath#")>
<!--- Create a struct with the setting values--->
    <cfset APPLICATION.settings = StructNew()>
 <!--- Loop over the keys, saving their values to APPLICATION scope --->
              <cfloop item="key" collection="#thevalues.settings[serverName]#">
                <cfset APPLICATION.settings[key] = 


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