Kevin Aebig wrote:
>> Escrow licence on the source.
> If I wanted to support someone else's work, than I might as well just make
> my own.

Yet if the work is Bill's or Larry's, you want to support it by paying a 

> It's pretty obvious that MSSQL, Oracle and DB2 aren't open-source. At the
> same time though, they also work under the same core principals and work
> generally under the same features. I don't care about the low-level details
> of how they work, I just want to be sure that it's going to be around for
> more than a few years...

So it has got nothing to do with being a proprietary solution?

Don't get me wrong, I very much doubt that Dan's embedded database offers any 
added value over established offerings and I share your concern over his 
ability to provide support and an upgrade path. But that has nothing to do with 
being propietary.


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