On 8/28/06, Dan Plesse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's not my solution, that's why it's free and open. It would be nice if
> someone could run benchmarks on the different kinds
> of things you can create and use. Even the two different kinds protocols
> the
> server object uses could be tested.

All the benchmarks I saw put HSQLDB pretty far up there... speed wise.

I don't think it would be a very good data-warehouse... the largest object
size seems to be around a megabyte... it does handle up to 8 gig databases
now though... that's pretty big.  Relatively speaking...

I did run and test Derby and your welcome to that code as well Denny!

Of course you did Dan. :-P  You're the man!  Thanks for sharing!!

You know, open source is really the ONLY software you can run without
having to worry about it "packing up and leaving".  It's impossible; the
blue-print is right there.  "Real" proprietary code (or concepts??) is where
you could get left high and dry.  Logically.  I'm not saying MS will fold
in the next year or so, but from a theoretical perspective, at least with
an open architecture, nothing is "hidden" from you, there is nothing to
be "taken away".  I don't know WHAT ms is doing behind the scenes.

Sure I could do all the nifty stuff, reverse-engineering and whatever,
but... what a crap load of work for something you can't even use once
you figure out.  Sell to the blackmarket, maybe, but... um... bleh.

As for Oracle and MS-SQL... well, maybe you get what you pay for...
maybe... there are some interesting stats for various databases that
make me wonder if the big O (sorry, that's pl SLASH sql ;) is really
worth as much as a pretty awesome car.  You're paying for way more
than just the raw meat you need to get the job done, I'd wager.

Lawyers, PR folks... but that's probably a bigger reason than the
actual power of the DB... to use it, I mean.  Maybe I'm just eating
the sweet, sweet candy that is "Open" databases, and it's smoke
and mirrors...  I sure haven't tested them against [a properly
configured, optimized, whathaveyou] oracle...  they do "work" tho...

I mean, we're loading a bunch of data into RAM anyways, when
you get down to it.  Cache is king, right?  I can't help but think that
you can get around any bottleneck...  I personally find it funny that
there are times where it is literally faster to drive a truck full of data
cross-country than to do it in the aether.  At least a little funny...
same concept here though... plenty of times I've just popped a drive
out o one thing and popped it into another... that's way faster... eh...

Data-warehousing is different though, if I'm thinking of the right kind
of data-warehousing (Lets you search through tera's of info pretty
quick?)  Guess you'd need some clustering to get that going good
in something smaller.  Ha!  And that's one of the things I was thinking
about when Dave said the Web isn't a place for fast "little" db's.

Seems alot like the raging argument (for years and years, mind)
concerning "distributed" applications and "server" applications.  Or
these "thin clients" and whatnot. 'Seen it go round and round, since
the days of yore.  Yin is better... No, Yang is the Only Way! No, wait,
Yang-Yin! Hrm... close... close... :-)

Probably pretty core to the human condition, really... Individualistic,
yet social, alone in a sea of people, brain's in two pieces, etc., etc..

We try and try to pull it all together, ABSOLUTELY together, which
is what screws us.  If we would just realize it's already roughly there...

And roughly is good enough...

Which brings us back to the SP idea.  And implicit and explicit and
whatnot.  Info in one place, or near by, at least.  Why we have to
know SQL as well as CF. All that jazz!

Doesn't really matter.  There are ways of mitigating bad stuff,
propagating good stuff... doesn't really matter the forum or media.

I wouldn't shy away from something just because it's different
though*.  Personally, I have, for years been watching these little
databases, and distributed computing/synchronization, and the
big databases, and how they can all get along.

I have to say the little fast guys are going to play a part, if I
can guess even a little.  Did I mention I just got a new Cell
phone?  Can you BELIEVE the stuff that's out there now?

Sheesh.  Amazing.  Simply amazing. In 2 years! Leaps and
bounds.  Leaps and bounds!  (my old cell was @ 2yrs).

It makes my nipples hard.

And it makes me curious about how I can code for all of
it. At once.  LOL.  I might be getting a little absolute there...

Anyways, I think the most valid argument for doing stuff
in the DB is, obviously, for doing stuff in the DB.

I'm just not too sure Oracle is where I want to spend my
time.  Did you know homecheese wants to start a super
database (along with the Prez) of everyone, with chips &
whatnot so we can stop these terrerristts? Semi-scary,
and not a reason to not use Oracle, but still...

And MS-SQL is insanely easy.  I mean, you drag and
drop relationships! Seems more boring than Oracle.  At
least with the big-O (heh, not the robot), you ahve to fuss
around with the stuff.  Might as well go all AD and REALLY
make it all into one big ball o fun. AD == Active Directory.

Bah.  A good DBA futses around anyways... there is always
stuff to do, no matter the system, right? Maybe more so
on /some/ systems...

Bah.  Division is good anyways; keeps us all from getting
sick at the same time; Yup, a Good Thing.  Keeps us
working too.  So SP away, but maybe have the SQL for
those SP's in the CF somewhere, just so the "next guy"
will know what's going on.  Keep an eye on when you use
"special" db related functions, and think (ahead of time) how
you would port it, if/when you have to do so.

Yeah. Another long and not too specific post from me. Yay!

*don't you hate it when you can't find that little asterisk? When
you KNOW it, (and maybe it's doubled cousin,) is hanging out
somewhere below [or off to the side, sometimes :] ? Heh.
Anyways; I do shy away from what's popular, in general, due
to not being "cool", long ago, so I'm pretty bad as far as trying
different stuff sometimes myself.  And still not very cool. :-)

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