Okay, so awhile back, I made a posting asking if there was updated help 
files for CFStudio for CFMX7. This sparked a whole debate about how my 
old editor, CFStudio, was archaic and I should evolve and blah blah 
blah. So, since most of the critics said that I should seriously 
consider using CFEclipse, I'm doing just that. Robert Blackburn's 
article in Fusion Authority gave a great overview of CFE and I have it 
installed and I'm ready to fire it up.

But...my development server is sitting in a remote hosting facility and 
up until now, I've used CFStudio's FTP capabilities to hit it. I don't 
plan on installing Subversion in the immediate future so how do I get 
access to my dev files? Does CFE have FTP functionality?


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