I'm working on a simple access for PDF files and HTML page on my client's
website. There's nothing sensitive about them, they just want to start
collecting user info. So my thought is to have an intermediate page which
checks to see if the user is logged in; stores info about the "view" in the
database; then redirects the user to the page/file. Problem is that I just
tried it and it tried to view it in the browser, not just the PDF but the
underlying source code.

So I'm wondering what might be the best way to do this. My requirements are:

1) User must log in to view anything inside the "library". At this point the
various files and pages are in various directories, but if needed I could
consolidate them all into a "library" directory.

2) Store information about the "view" in the database.

3) Redirect user to the appropriate file.


andy matthews
web developer
certified advanced coldfusion programmer
ICGLink, Inc.
615.370.1530 x737

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