Add an Isapi rewrite to redirect all .pdfs to a page like library.cfm? 

Then you can log the filename and any other info in a database, and  
then serve the file via CFHEADER.?


On 6 Sep 2006, at 16:26, Andy Matthews wrote:

> I'm working on a simple access for PDF files and HTML page on my  
> client's
> website. There's nothing sensitive about them, they just want to start
> collecting user info. So my thought is to have an intermediate page  
> which
> checks to see if the user is logged in; stores info about the  
> "view" in the
> database; then redirects the user to the page/file. Problem is that  
> I just
> tried it and it tried to view it in the browser, not just the PDF  
> but the
> underlying source code.
> So I'm wondering what might be the best way to do this. My  
> requirements are:
> 1) User must log in to view anything inside the "library". At this  
> point the
> various files and pages are in various directories, but if needed I  
> could
> consolidate them all into a "library" directory.
> 2) Store information about the "view" in the database.
> 3) Redirect user to the appropriate file.
> Thoughts?
> <!----------------//------
> andy matthews
> web developer
> certified advanced coldfusion programmer
> ICGLink, Inc.
> 615.370.1530 x737
> --------------//--------->

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