To add my 2c,

Denny, Reactor isn't really a framework. It is a way to automate the 
persistence of objects. In OO programming, you often create DAOs and Gateways 
(data access objects and table data gateways) to abstract your database access 
code for single records and recordsets. Firstly, I have some issues with the 
idea of Gateays returning queries, but that is neither here nor there. Reactor 
just auto creates those.

You probably want to create a set of service objects (one per object - 
singletons created using a factory or ColdSpring if you want to be fancy!) for 
doing all of the business logic and the business objects themselves will often 
have logic (Product.getPrice() may calculate price based on your discounts or 
whatever). Then you need a controller which you can write yourself or use Model 
Glue (classic - not Unity!)  or Mach -II for.

If you are only getting started with OO, I'd thorough recommend checkout out 
all of the great blog postings on OO programming and would start there. I think 
it's quite a leap from procedural CF straight to MG Unity, and if yu had to 
jump straight to a framework, I'd consider mach-ii or Model Glue without 
Reactor and ColdSpring. ColdSpring solves a real probvlem, but have the problem 
first and then enjoy the relief i provides. Reactor also speeds development, 
but I don't think you'll fully understand the trade offs until you've written a 
few DAOs and agonized over where to put the code for joined objects (how you 
you get all of the Users in a Company - CompanyService.getUsers()? and if so, 
what DAO does it call - CompanyDAO or UserDAO). Once you've played with that 
for a while, you'll be able to choose between Reactor, Transfer (which is 
looking very interesting - Mark keep up the great work and the shameless 
plugs!), cfhibernate, or rolling your own ORM.

Best Wishes,

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