We, at Wharton, used to have this problem.  So we wrote a home grown monitoring 
service for CF that would tell us when it was down. 

Then as we started to examine the servers exactly when problems were occurring 
we were able to track down the source of many of our problems.  Typically we 
found problems the following ways: 
        ColdFusion Logs
        Jrun Logs
        IIS Logs

Then we would research the hell out of the problem, and track down information 
we were seeing in the logs.

The problems tended to be one of the following:
        A needed patch
        A needed setting tweak (Most common source of a problem for us.)
        Developer related (Bad code)

By iteratively going through, and combating issues *as soon as they come up*, 
we were able to make our environment extremely stable. 

Terrence Ryan
Senior Systems Programmer
Wharton Computing and Information Technology
E-mail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Middleton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, September 14, 2006 6:22 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Reliability

Bit of an odd one this - but does anyone else find CF a little more 
"unreliable" than other similar products when using them in day to day use.

The only reason I ask is that our CF servers always seem a little more unstable 
than some of our other servers running things such as ASP.NET or Ruby on Rails. 
 CF just seems to restart itself more than I believe it should.

I am the only one?  I'm pretty sure our code is fairly sound, and that our 
servers aren't under too much load.

Neil Middleton

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