I think that "Terrence Ryan" had the best approach to the situation. CFMX is a 
stable product, we've run about 15 CFMX servers around the world supporting 
corporate intranets and extranets with a constant load and rarely have problems.

Take a look at Terrence's pragmatic approach and try to emulate that. I think 
you'll find your answer.


>Bit of an odd one this - but does anyone else find CF a little more
>"unreliable" than other similar products when using them in day to day use.
>The only reason I ask is that our CF servers always seem a little more
>unstable than some of our other servers running things such as ASP.NET or
>Ruby on Rails.  CF just seems to restart itself more than I believe it
>I am the only one?  I'm pretty sure our code is fairly sound, and that our
>servers aren't under too much load.
>Neil Middleton
>Visit feed-squirrel.com

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