Search for SES (Search Engine Safe) URLS.  I think Mike D. even wrote an
article about how to implement them somewhere on HoF, but a cursory search
didn't find anything but a million threads on the's pretty
simple to implement, though.  

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jeff Small [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Friday, September 22, 2006 11:49 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Permalink?
> > Right now, we have different "gateway" templates for each major data
> > section.
> >
> > Due to our publishing schedule and users understanding, we are using:
> >
> > /articles.htm/2006/08/22/pacesetters-for-aug-22
> > an individual story (the end part is the title, minus all special
> > chars, with spaces replaced with -)
> See, this is what I think I'm missing, are you actually creating pages?
> Like, how does Forta do this?
> Car
> Do you store that title (Check-Out-The-Adobe-Race-Car) in the database? Is
> that created when the post is created?
> I have to admit, I'm only really trying to figure it out to satisfy my own
> curiosity. I don't blog, and really don't have an insterest in blogging,
> I'm curious as to how the dynamic entries are turned into permalinks. It
> seems pretty cool. I'd like to try it for clients who have "news" pages
> whatnot.

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