Hi there

I am trying to complete the development of an application.

In one of the programs where a user is entering data I am asking a user to
enter details of a photo that will be added to a record.

So far I have  a query that will select all available photos that are

Here is the query.

<cfquery name="qgetphotonames" datasource="#Request.DSN#">
select *
from photos
order by photothbname

Then I have in the main part of the program 

    <td valign="top">&nbsp;
      <select name="photoid">
        <cfoutput query="qgetphotonames">
          <option value="#photoid#">#photothbname# </option>

What I am trying to do is the following.  As well as displaying the
photo.name  I would also like to display the thumbnail picture so a user can
actually see the thumbnail when selecting the picture to use.

Wondering if anyone has any idea of how this can be done.

Regards & thanks in advance.


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