John C. Bland II wrote:
> Duh, the rendering engine does not render everything properly and the
> community has found the necessary hacks to work around them. Did you think I
> was talking about 5 years ago or now?

You were talking about a specific phone call I made in the past. If you don't 
know when that call was exactly, shouldn't you ask before jumping the gun? 

> You even said most hacks are known
> now. Of course I'm talking about now. I don't know of a "bug" or feature
> that a hack hasn't been discovered.

And how do you know about them? You know about them because somebody ran into 
them and reported them. Because that is what responsible developers do, they 
report bugs when they encounter them. And I have on occasion used the phone for 
that because other means of reporting issues to MS give the same response as a 
black hole.

> Yes, IE 6 bites big time. MSFT has admitted it and pretty much every
> developer that has ever worked with JS or CSS knows this. I never said it
> doesn't have bugs but to put a blanket statement of "something not rendering
> properly is a bug" is a little much.

But that is not what I wrote. I wrote: "where for instance a bug in IE results 
in incorrect rendering" which defines a causal relation between the rendering 
problem and a bug.

I am not the one making blanket statements, I am just relating my experiences.

> With every link you provided, isn't there a way around it?

So as long as there is a way around it, it isn't a bug? I think we should agree 
to disagree on that.

Now that that is cleared up, let's go back to the question I asked. And I will 
even reformulate the question because I would really like to know if MS has 
some decent support to offer for the little guy (and indeed, if the support is 
decent, $245 is pocket change). So:

If I encounter a problem in IE where a bug causes incorrect rendering to the 
point of an application being unuseable, can I just call MS and get a patch for 
IE? Or can I even get somebody to admit that it is a problem in IE and not in 
my code?


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