>> Moreover given how fast development is with CF, you can still buy CF 
>> Standard, 
>> for instance, and still come in cheaper than an equivalent site done in 
>> asp.net or php.
>> So basically these days the cost argument is quite frankly pure crap.
>> larry
>Been preaching that for years...Amen Larry!!
>Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
>VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
>Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
>phone: 250.480.0642
>fax: 250.480.1264
>cell: 250.920.8830
>web: www.electricedgesystems.com

But of course. Another thing that is irritating about this typical cost 
argument is that they never factor in how long it takes to build an 
application. What I've found is that to build a "typical" CF app takes anywhere 
from one half to 2/3rds the time it takes in other languages to build the 
equivalent app. If you're paying your developers $50 per hour (including 
overhead costs), that adds up very fast. You can build the app, pay for CF 
Standard, and still come in under what it would cost to use another language.


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