>On 10/13/06, Larry Lyons <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> ...
>> So basically these days the cost argument is quite frankly pure crap.
>I have to disagree.  "Workarounds" to get "free" don't qualify as "free",
>and the solutions mentioned as free (BD and ralio(sp?)) aren't "free",
>really...  have you read the fine print?
>"Value" is such a fun term, anyways.  Very malleable. Ohh, Malleable.
>I love that word.
>Yeah, there are things I like about CF and that it "costs", and things I
>don't like.  Not sure if there's a right or wrong.   The only thing that
>me is "open source" stuff with it isn't really "open source", since the
>engine itself isn't open source.  Now, I guess the same goes for Java,
>I reckon, last I checked, so.... eh, I don't know.  Computers ain't
>How far down the rabbit hole to go, neh?
>But cost is for sure a factor of CF, no ifs, ands, or buts.
>So sayeth a D-Man!

The "D" man may nbot be too sure of what he's talking about.

OK  lets look at it another way, how much is a PDF generator, even in terms of 
time alone? Using iText (assuming you can install it on your server in the 
first place) takes a lo of time and effort to say the least. Compare that to 
using CFMX 7's PDF generation abilities. Multiple hours of work vs a few 
minutes. Again if you're paying a developer $50 per hour, that adds up very 
quickly. After a very short time its cheaper to by CFMX7. Or CFMAIL, same 
thing. you can add in mail capacities with other languages, typically they are 
extras and cost much more. Moreover adding the email to  the app can be an 
effort. With CF its very easy. Again in this case time is money. Other examaple 
creating or consuming web services, directory watchers etc. 

The idea is that when you factor in the real costs, CF is cheap. When you 
compare the time it takes from the initial requirements gathering to rollout, 
CF is much more of a RAD than almost any other type of web based app 
environment. Again when you are paying hourly rates for multiple developers 
those costs add up very rapidly. If developing an app takes 3 CF developers at 
$50 per hour each, 180 hours to roll an app out, and 3 developers using another 
language 240 hours, again at $50 per hour each. Then the difference has paid 
for 1 copy of CF Enterprise, and you still have around $4000 in the bank.

Enough said.

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