> But of course. Another thing that is irritating about this typical cost 
> argument is that they never factor in how long it takes to build an 
> application. What I've found is that to build a "typical" CF app takes 
> anywhere from one half to 2/3rds the time it takes in other languages to 
> build 
> the equivalent app. If you're paying your developers $50 per hour (including 
> overhead costs), that adds up very fast. You can build the app, pay for CF 
> Standard, and still come in under what it would cost to use another language.
> larry

Yep...been preaching that too!!

It's a little problem with human's in decision making positions I like to call 
"short sighted" ;-)

Personally I'm a long term big picture kinda guy


Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
phone: 250.480.0642
fax: 250.480.1264
cell: 250.920.8830
web: www.electricedgesystems.com 

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