That is absolutely correct, CF is totally not suited to shared hosting and
it is a nightmare to make it secure in this environment, and
Macromedia/Adobe have still amazingly not  addressed this issue.
New Atlanta are however addressing this issue with BD.NET


-----Original Message-----
From: Zaphod Beeblebrox [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 14 October 2006 03:28
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: Cf vs ?

another thing in response to the shared hosting:  To me, cf has always been
a server language meant for your own managed server.  Between having to set
up dsn's in the administrator and having mappings be server wide, to
application variables being visible by any other site, to having to disable
certain tags in a shared hosting situation, it's never seemed like a good
shared hosting fit.  I could be way off base, but that's just the way I

Also, I've been working cf since the 3.1 days and back when I started CF was
by far the quickest way to generate applications.  I'm still the quickest
with CF vs any other technology because of my experience only now.  I don't
think CF is necessarily the fastest anymore to someone just starting out.

On 10/13/06, Snake <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> To be fair, the free version has to have some limitations otherwise 
> no-one would pay for the full version.
> Snake
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Russ [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 14 October 2006 00:00
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Cf vs ?
> Yea bluedragon is really whack in that they advertise it as a free 
> server, but it will not work over SSL.  I've had a project a while ago 
> where we decided to use BD, and then hit the SSL bump (it wasn't even 
> in the documentation anywhere... just in some obscure faq page on their
> I felt very misled about the product, considering that previous 
> versions didn't limit you like that (this was ver 6.2).
> In the end we decided to go with CF 6.
> Russ
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Dave Lyons [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Friday, October 13, 2006 6:43 PM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: Cf vs ?
> >
> > Like i have said before....
> >
> > There are a lot of "graphic deigners" who convert to developers out 
> > there and they seem to all think it will cost them over $2000 just 
> > to use cfm on their puters so they go with php and I see this almost 
> > on a
> daily basis.
> > And like others have said, for the majority of people who use cf, 
> > php, asp, .net, ruby, etc..... they are on a shared server so cost 
> > isnt a concern but these people just dont know and/or understand 
> > that, which is were Adobe needs to step in and make it known. Hell, 
> > they have the whole design world by the balls so they should be pounding
this into them.
> >
> > Would also be cool if Adobe would release cfmx standard as a free 
> > server so that it could easily power the majority of users sites and 
> > be able to compete with php easily. Seeing how all these designer 
> > students are taught php Adobe could change that literaly overnight.
> > While having a bunch of "designers" in the mix would be a PITA at 
> > least it would get them started and some may become good developers 
> > (especially when they get to the real world and see that they may 
> > only get $15 an hour for designer gigs and they could be making 3-4 
> > times that as a coder). And then of course charge for cfmx 
> > enterprise for the big boys who need the extra features which wouldnt
affect them at all.
> >
> >
> > and to the ****** who said people dont use forums.....
> > what world do u live in?, half the damn net is forums....
> > people just dont use your forums ;)~
> >
> > actually, this might be a more accurate statement:
> >
> > people use forums, developers use lists.
> >
> >
> > and then to BlueDragon:
> > Last I heard they had a free version, but very limited, so i wouldnt 
> > concider that an option.
> >
> > BlueDragon could be a good thing but.....
> > I have talked about this a lot with people in our user groups and in 
> > general and there seem to be a lot of people who just wont even try 
> > bd based off the fact that Vince is just such an ass and comes 
> > across as a shark, im an ass to but i dont have a big product out 
> > there that i need to put a good front on for. Now if Charlie A 
> > woulda been runnin the show it would be a different story. I 
> > personaly like how Vinces blogs are always point to discussions on 
> > seans blog and noone posts to vinces, that should tell you something 
> > Vince. If i was you I would get a good image person to be the face 
> > of bd and you might see things pick up and also do what i had 
> > mentioned earlier with the free version being
> the standard version.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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