Hmm I did raise that point earlier Mingo but Alex says he isn't ...
unless like you say it is being set elsewhere

Alex.... you may want to add <cfsetting enablecfoutput="no"> just
before this code to check this

or alternatively... the <cfoutput><p>no risorse</p></cfoutput> should
override this

ok... to try and cover everything try this and see what happens:

<cfsetting enablecfoutputonly="no">


<CFIF risorse.recordcount GT 0>

        <cfdump var="#risorse#" label="Records">

<a class="continuasmall"

        <cfdump var="#risorse#" label="No Records">
        <p>no risorse</p>


On 10/27/06, Mingo Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No that's not it, 0 translates to false in CF.
> So if myQuery.recordcount is 0, then <cfif myQuery.recordcount> would
> return false.
> My suspicion is that you have somewhere in your code a <cfsetting
> enablecfoutputonly="yes">. Is the code you posted earlier the actual
> code, or is it just an example? Becaus if you have <cfoutput> tags after
> the cfif, it would output what is between them, but if after the cfelse
> you don't have <cfoutput> tags, it would leave it blank (with the
> enablecfoutputonly setting on.)
> Mingo.
> alex poyaoan wrote:
> > got your point about that so even if the result is zero it is still true so 
> > what's the alternative i could do so that when it is zero it prints a 
> > message

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