Hmm I disagree on both accounts I Doug....

- Peter was saying that the syntax was invalid and not fit for the
situation not just that you don't need an operator - which isn't true

- it seems from what Alex is saying that he is dropping in to the else
condition as he seems to be suggesting there is a zero recordcount
i.e. nothing coming back from the database - although I may be
interpreting this wrong from what Alex is saying

On 10/27/06, Doug Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Basically he is saying that you need not use a comparison operator with
> ..recordCount. I have tried your code the way you have written it and all is
> good though. I would say that your problem lies in what is being output by
> your database. I am thinking you have a problem with hidden characters or
> something. So if you query your database and put in a where yourID = an ID
> that does not exist what is the value of recordCount?
> #yourQuery.recordcount#

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