I am on Day 5 with CF and Coming along nicely.

I have a question on mixing CF and Javascript.

Say I have the following with an onBlur event:

<input type="textfield" name="upc" id="upc" size="12" maxlength="12"  
onblur="lookUpUPC(this.value);" />

Here is the JS for LookUpUPC()

function lookUpUPC(upc)
        <cfquery name="ckUPC" datasource="#application.dsn#">
        SELECT Description, UnitPrice FROM Inventoryitems
             WHERE upc = <Cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar"

        <cfif ckUPC.recordCount EQ 1>
                        alert("UPC FOUND");
                        alert("UPC NOT FOUND");

When LookUpUPC fires I get just the alert boxes that I coded in for  
information purposes. I tried hard coding the query with a valid upc  
in the database and still I get UPC not found.

So I must be doing something wrong but I am not sure what.

Can anybody shed some light?


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