> >On 11/19/06, Doug Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > <VENT>
> > >
> > > I just installed DW for the first time, and what a piece of
> > crappola!! I have never seen nothing lag like this thing does. My
> > site has about 245 files and I cannot believe it cannot handle it.
> > Sometimes I think they put too much into these visual design tools.
> > I suppose I will go back to HS+ and be happy once again. I read all
> > the articles on how to improve DW speed, but IMO you should not
> > have to disable features in order to get something to work the way
> > it should. Arghhhh!!!
> > > </VENT>

Well... you could always move to WebSphere Developer Studio (WSAD) for a

After that Dreamweaver will seem downright peppy.

I use WSAD on both a 1,200 MHz, 2Gig of Ram laptop and on my personal
Dual-Opteron 252, 3 Gig of RAM machine - Dreamweaver is significantly faster
on both machines.  Of course neither are anywhere near Homesite+ which runs
just fine on my old 800 MHz, 256 Meg of RAM machine.  ;^)

Of course I still have them all installed.

Bottom line is that more features means slower processing - use the least
tool you can for the job at hand.

Jim Davis 

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