I have seen where certifications hurt people, not in the CF world but in the
IT world.  Back when I was working for a computer parts wholesaler anytime
they were hiring for techs if someone came in saying they had A+
certification that immediately meant they were not going to get hired.
Seeing some of the comments on here about how worthless a CF Certification
is makes me wonder if something similar might happen in the CF world.
Probably not an instant no-hire case but perhaps makes it harder for someone
to get hired because the hiring party might be reluctant in accepting the
person interviewing really does know their stuff.

On 12/15/06, Bryan Stevenson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > As I've already said...it may -never- help you.  But can you argue
> > that it could ever hurt to have?
> Yes...the opportunity cost of the time wasted getting the useless piece of
> paper
> ;-)
> Happy Friday
> Cheers
> Bryan Stevenson B.Comm.
> VP & Director of E-Commerce Development
> Electric Edge Systems Group Inc.
> phone: 250.480.0642
> fax: 250.480.1264
> cell: 250.920.8830
> web: www.electricedgesystems.com

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