Hmmm... I setup PostgreSQL on one of my production (remote to me) servers.
It's all working wonderfully from localhost.  To prepare it for allowing
remote access, I added the following line to the pg_hba.conf file:

host    sameuser    all      (the IP, e.g. 555.555.555.555)    password

I then added the following line to the postgresql.conf file, and restarted
the service:

listen_addresses = '*'

I then downloaded/installed ADS here on my test box, and setup the
connection.  After the connection timed out, it dawned on me that the port
was blocked.  So, I contacted my host and had them open up the appropriate
port.  Now that the correct port is open, virtually instantly upon trying to
connect, I receive the following error message:

"Connection failed: FATAL: missing or erroneous pg_hba.conf file"

Surely it's not looking for the pg_hba file on my local machine whilst
trying to connect to a remote address?  I know I must be doing something
wrong, and that it should be really obvious to me as to what it is, but I
cannot seem to clear the clutter in the brain and figure it out.  Any help
would be appreciated.



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