I know the one who has the most to lose, Brian, is the one whose
acceptance of your apology matters the most, but your apology
is perfectly acceptable to me...

I never thought you had anything but good intentions. 

No one with ill intentions concerning Brian's
exam material would have posted the material for everyone to
see.  That makes it obvious that no harm was intended.


-----Original Message-----
From: Ben Nadel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 17, 2007 8:46 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: My sincerest apologies to Brian Simmons, CentraSoft.Com, and to the
entire ColdFusion community

Last week, inspired by recent community conversations about ColdFusion
certification, I built a "proof of concept" site to see if there would
be any interest in a community-driven site for ColdFusion certification
preparation. In a fit of unbridled enthusiasm, sheer laziness, and poor
judgment, I posted several of Brian Simmons' CFMX Exam Buster test
questions to my site in order to demonstrate how my "proof of concept"
site would work. I did so without crediting Brian and without getting
his prior approval.
My intent was not to take credit for his work but rather to put some
content on the "proof of concept" site in order to demonstrate
functionality and to generate interest. However, intentions aside, this
egregious lapse in judgment was both wrong and hurtful; it has shaken
Brian's faith in the security of his hard work and intellectual property
and it has tarnished his reputation. I am deeply sorry for the anguish
that this has caused him and his family.
Brian's CFMX Exam Buster software is quite fantastic and without it, I
surely would not have been able to obtained my advanced certification
status. I feel absolutely horrible at the thought of jeopardizing either
this essential piece of software or Brian's efforts. It is a product
that I have recommended to many people (and will continue to do so) and
I hope that it continues to be upgraded with each new version of
In an effort of redemption and for various other concerns including
legalities and quality control, I have decided to take down my "proof of
concept" site. I cannot apologize enough for how I have made Brian feel
and I hope that with time, Brian can learn to forgive me for my actions
and that he will truly believe that my intentions were not malicious.
I also recognize that this display has tarnished my reputation and my
standing within the ColdFusion community. I love this language very much
and I love this community and I would like your trust. I understand that
building trust takes time and effort and I promise that I will do
everything in my power to gain your trust and to give back to the
community that has given me so much.
My sincerest apologies to Brian Simmons, CentraSoft.Com, and to the
entire ColdFusion community,
Ben Nadel

Ben Nadel
Certified Advanced ColdFusion MX7 Developer
www.bennadel.com <http://www.bennadel.com/> 
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