
You should probably ask for some help on the svn-users list.  The version
number thing comes up there all the time, and svn has a single revision
number for the repository, not for each file.  You should not worry about
that revision number.  

The way we work is:  
Every developer has their own working copy on their PC.  They do development
and check it into subversion whenever it's ready.  
Code gets deployed to the development/QA server and is QA'ed.  
Code gets deployed to production.  

We try to keep most of the change requests in trac, and what we do is for
small changes, we make the change to the file(s), test it locally, and
commit it to trunk.  After this we deploy the code to production by doing an
update (production has a checked out working copy of trunk). 

For larger changes, we create a branch and a tag. (Both copies of the
trunk).  The developer switches their working copy to the branch and does
their changes.  Once it's ready, he checks it into the branch and updates
the trac ticket.  At this point it gets merged into the trunk on the QA
server and tested by the QA team.  Once it's approved, it gets commited to
trunk and gets put on production.  

For smaller projects you probably want to organize your repository like


This way you have everything in a single repository, so you don't have a lot
of administrative overhead, but you still get all the benefits of using

You should use subversion by using Subclipse, which is a plugin for eclipse,
or use TortoiseSVN if you're on windows and don't like Subclipse for some
reason.  I tend to use both, but mostly Subclipse.  

I hope this helps, 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peterson, Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 8:15 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Daily procedures for using Subversion
> I am having a hard time fitting Subversion into my general coding
> procedures.  I have been a 1-man coder at a company that has nothing to
> do with programming for the longest time (transportation related
> business).  Now we are branching out to providing programming services,
> and I want to ensure I keep accurate revisions of my code in Subversion
> for backup and peace of mind.  Typically, I use cf-eclipse to author and
> test code on a single test server I have, then once its happy I copy the
> folder to my production server and am done.  I configured subversion on
> my iSeries AS400, and got subclipse setup and running fine.  When you
> create a repository, every single time I save too it, it increments the
> version number.  Well, my original thought was to take my entire webroot
> and commit that to a general repository.  That seems silly to have a
> version number for every single un-related change I made to any code in
> there.  So, it seems that I would need to create a repo for each
> distinct project I work on.  That seems excessive, as I would have to
> setup a repo for each 1-off single folder report I make that only has
> like 3 pages in it!  Is there a happy medium?  Also, how often do you
> commit a change to the repo?  And last, how do you work when you need to
> get something out of the repo to work with?  Do you download it to your
> local machine, or download to a test server?  I don't need help
> configuring subversion, just using it!
> Chris Peterson

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