> I agree with most of your post, Dave.  But one thing that bothers me
> about the 100 CF frameworks out there is that often times these guys
> make up their own dialect instead of trying to use existing terms that
> mean the same thing.  I'm not a frameworks expert, but from the
> reading I've done, Fusebox and Model Glue each introduce new terms for
> concepts that have been around for a long time (for example, "fuse"
> and all of its variants).  I really wish people would stop trying to
> be cool, and just use existing standard language.

I have to disagree to an extent.  Of all the frameworks in CF that I
have seen, each attempts to leverage methodologies proven in other
languages and bring them to CF (MVC, ORM, etc.).  Inside each framework,
each attempts to communicate the moving bits as best they can as there
is not always a 1-1 relationship with other languages.  For example, in
many event driven applications you either broadcast an 'event' or
broadcast a 'message'.  In both MG and MII, the exact names change, but
the intent is carried through.

Learning CF has nothing to do with learning a framework.  Leveraging a
framework or a design pattern helps developers solve specific problems
they encounter.  Too much business logic tied to your display? Use the
MVC pattern (and perhaps a MVC framework). How someone learns CF is
based on a myriad of factors and varies greatly from person to person.

Each of these "Buzz words" solves REAL problems that developers face day
to day.  The "Buzz words" are buzz words in CF, but have long since
become standard practice in most modern languages.

My 2 cents

Rich Kroll 

ColdFusion MX7 and Flex 2 
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