This is actually what I meant, having a health check page on each instance
that you can hit with the load balancer and see what the current CPU
utilization is.  

As far as having JRUN handle this with IIS, I think you're pretty much SOL.
IIS connector is not open source, so unless you get Adobe to implement it
for you, which isn't likely to happen unless they decide to release
something like this in Scorpio.  

You can of course use Apache instead of IIS, and modify the connector source
and compile your own connector.  I am not sure, however, if JRUN returns any
sort of metrics data that you would be able to use.  You might be able to
solve this with some JRUN modules, but my guess is this solution is way
overkill for what you're trying to achieve.  A simple health check that
works with the hardware loadbalancer that returns metrics data should work,
assuming your loadbalancer supports this. 


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brad Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 4:32 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Targetting an instance
> If you want fairer load balancing that takes into account CPU
> utilization,
> perhaps you can set up a health check page that returns the CPU
> utilization
> (which doesn't seem to be very easy, but you can return the number of
> currently running requests, or number of current sessions, etc), and
> have
> ServerIron distribute the requests based on those values.  I haven't
> personally tried this, but I'm guessing it should be possible.
> ======
> Actually, I would be more interested in learning how to make my JRun
> clustering aware of things like CPU usage.  I think what I might do is
> use the hardware load balancer to load balance my IIS installs (one copy
> of IIS running on each web server) and then each IIS install will be
> bound to my JRun cluster.  I could care less how balanced the web
> servers are-- we could probably use a single install of IIS and it
> wouldn't break a sweat at our traffic levels.  I just like have
> multiples for fail-over.  I am more concerned with the CF Instances
> being proportionate.
> I always thought that JRun handled the clustering algorithm for your
> instances but from what Jochem was telling me today, that is actually
> handled by the Web server connectors between IIS and JRun.  I would
> absolutely love to know if I can organize my cluster balancing to be
> aware of CPU etc.
> ~Brad

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