Thanks for the perspective, Jim...

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Davis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 2:56 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: A Question for Development: Ajax Now or Ajax Later?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rick Faircloth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Saturday, April 07, 2007 9:32 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: A Question for Development: Ajax Now or Ajax Later?
> Hi, all..
> Just wanted to throw this out for some perspective.
> For a few years I've been wanting to get in on the Ajax-style
> development.
> However, dealing with javascript was just going to take more time than
> I
> could
> spare and keep up with project demands, since I have no experience with
> it.

The great thing is that experience with JavaScript just isn't wasted.

+) The same language (ecmaScript) forms the basis of MANY scripting tools.
Flash ActionScript, Windows Scripting Host, CFScript,,
SilkScript, LoadRunner Script, etc.  You can use it as an alternate language
to VB for Applications and most OSes can be scripted using a version (WSH or for windows, JavaScript OSA for Mac, and one whose name I can't
remember for *nix).

This shouldn't be underestimated.  There are just SO MANY things that are
easy to pick up once you know JavaScript well.  Even really unusual or
suprising things - for example using SQL Server 2005 you can actually write
Stored Procedures using  You can easily script Windows Media
Player (or Office or CorelDraw or any of many others).  In many cases
functionality is directly transferable between implementations (as long as
you segment core functionality from implementation specific elements).

For example I built a simple countdown timer in JavaScript for a web page.
That countdown timer, with no modifications works perfectly in Flash.  Same
for most of my Date and time utilities.

+) The basic syntax is very similar to common OO languages like Java and
C++.  Learning JavaScript doesn't mean you know Java, but knowing it does
mean you can generally figure out what's going on.

Moving to Java (as I am now) is incredibly painful, but knowing JavaScript
has made the transition easier (and, to be fair, more difficult in some
specific areas, but overall it's been greatly beneficial).

I guess all I'm saying is the however you get into it - via JQuery, some
other library or just noodling around - don't discount JavaScript as a one
trick pony only worth picking up to enhance your web forms.  Although of
course it's really, REALLY good at that.  ;^)  There's a lot of "bang for
the buck" in learning JavaScript - AJAX is only one of many perks.

Jim Davis

Create robust enterprise, web RIAs.
Upgrade & integrate Adobe Coldfusion MX7 with Flex 2


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