How about store the username/password in a variable that is obtained
from some other place?  so instead of doing this:

<cfquery username="blah" password="blah">

<cfquery username="#somevariable#" password="#somevariable#">

You would need to pull that variable from somewhere, maybe from another
database, maybe from a file, that would be up to you.  But this would
keep the username/password out of your direct code and out of the ODBC

Is that a step in the right direction?


"Larry W. Virden" wrote:
> Okay - bear with me here folk!
> Imagine one has a database (for example Oracle) which requires a user id
> and password to access.  Now, imagine writing an application to let joe
> user to look up and insert info into this table.  HOWEVER, we do not
> want to generally publish the user id and password; we want the coldfusion
> app as the 'gateway' into the table.
> So far, so good.
> However, because of the gateway issue, hard coding the userid and password
> into the cfm files is out - the cfm files are in general accessible by
> someone browsing the directories.
> The database itself is sensitive enough that the owner does not want the
> userid and password put into the ColdFusion admin area either...
> If you had to write an app where the database userid and password:
>         could not be hard coded,
>         could not be put into the admin area,
>         could not be entered via prompting
> what approach would you use?  Putting it into a file - encrypted or not -
> doesn't work; the files are readable and so someone could just copy them
> and build their own 'pseudo' app that accesses the data, right?
> Looking for 'outside the box' possible solutions.
> If it helps, the platform for the server is SPARC Solaris.
> --
> Never apply a Star Trek solution to a Babylon 5 problem.
> Larry W. Virden <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <URL:>
> Even if explicitly stated to the contrary, nothing in this posting should
> be construed as representing my employer's opinions.
> -><-
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