
I didn't take your comments that way.   I do think that comparing  
usage of a Framework to your company's Dreamweaver team workflow is  
an apples to oranges comparison, though.    There's nothing mutually  
exclusive about the two.   One  provides a common lanuguage for your  
development team to use in developing applications, the other deals  
with your workflow and source control concerns.

You may choose modify that workflow by adopting a Framework for your  
application development, but there's nothing inherent in using a  
Framework that requires you to "rewrite the book" on an already  
successful workflow.    Your internal development "language" will  
adapt and expand to meet the needs of your methodology.

I like CFEclipse and Frameworks for many reasons, but I also suffered  
a pretty significant (though short-term) productivity hit when  
switching from DW to Eclipse and Procedural to OO.   If your team  
workflow is efficient and productive, I think you should be looking  
at what tools are missing from your tool belt and how you can adapt  
them to *your* environment instead of whether you need to replace  
that tool belt entirely.     In other words, examine the tools you  
have, keep the good, replace the worn and tired, and add the  
missing.   DW's built-in methodology may be the best solution,  
especially if your source is being shared by Designers who can't or  
don't want to grok the whole Eclipse thing.

Let me put it this way, if your team is already productive and happy  
in their current environment and *you* have misgivings about the case  
for change, you probably already have a large part of your answer.    
Instead of looking to adapt your environment to the tools themselves,  
maybe look at how the tools fit into *your* enviroment and  
application requirements.



On May 3, 2007, at 1:10 PM, Jeff Small wrote:

>> You shouldn't have to explain why you love DW over Eclipse.  DW is
>> pretty darn awesome and I'm not scared to spread the word,  
>> either.  I,
>> too, live in DW code view and shun frameworks.
>> "Hi, I'm Mike and I'm a DreamWeaver user."
> I'm sorry. I honestly didn't want those comments to come across  
> that way. I
> was just *really* wondering if what I wasn't already doing *was* in  
> fact, a
> framework, and if, during the course of the way I and my group  
> programs, is
> a framework worth looking into. I was merely trying to sort of "set  
> the
> stage" for some people "in the know" to provide me with some  
> honest, clear,
> advice.
> I'm starting to feel like we're all at a crucial turning point.  
> RIAs, Flex,
> MXML, and AJAX, and now Adobe CS3.
> So you start to think, "should I get CS3? or is this the time when  
> I start
> to look at alternative ways to get the results we've been getting?"
> I'm not shy about learning curves, or any of that. If a particular  
> framework
> will work for me, and help me be a better programmer, then I'm on  
> board...
> But what I'm most afraid of, is abandoning something that's worked  
> so well
> for so long for something that just seems... I dunno... "the flavor  
> of the
> day" maybe? I just see so many Framework discussions going on, and  
> I see so
> many people advocating different frameworks, that I start to wonder  
> if it's
> not the way to go, then I alternate back to the other side of the  
> fence and
> think, "no, it's worked really well for this long, and Adobe is still
> delivering us good versions of Dreamweaver, so perhaps I'll just  
> stick with
> that."
> I REALLY wonder more than anything if I do my employer a disservice  
> by not
> looking into these frameworks and methodologies, but when you start  
> to go
> down that road, it just seems like there are too many decisions to  
> make and
> too many ways to skin the same cat.
> But again, opinions are like... well... you know... so please don't  
> take
> mine to heart. And I certainly was purposely trying to stay away from
> turning this discussion into a Dreamweaver vs. Frameworks pissing
> contest.... so sorry if it came across that way... I'm just genuinely
> interested in the discussion...

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