On 5/22/07, Aaron Roberson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know of a good project time management application that
> would be good for consulting jobs? I am thinking of something that has
> a stop watch you can click to start and stop and automatically
> calculate expenses incurred. It would be nice if it had invoicing
> capabilities as well.

You're going to get a lot of options -- I certainly know since I've
done this hunt for my business and for several clients with different

Personally, I go for web-based which removes the impediment of
operating system and installation but adds the problem of having to be

For time-tracking, there's both Harvest (harvestapp.com) and Tick
(tickspot.com). They've got online plus widgets for OSX, google/y!. I
think both hook into BlinkSale which is an online invoicing tool. And
both hook into BaseCamp. Of course that whole stack adds up to a fair
bit of monthly cash (at least $30+/mo for any real number of projects)
As an aside, I really liked Harvest out of that bunch -- and blinksale
worked great as an integrated package.

I personally chose Freshbooks (signup here!
https://transitionpoint.freshbooks.com/signup/) which has
timetracking, invoicing (mail or email including automatic recurring),
payment gateway integration, and basic trouble-ticket and filesharing
tools. The cheapest paid account is $14/mo for unlimited projects and
25 clients which seems to work really well. This gets more expensive
as you add staff since it's got a per-login charge for staff, but for
a solo shop it's great. My QuickBooks integration consists of manually
putting in 1line invoices that duplicate the total of the invoice so
everything works for my accounting -- though it looks like they'll be
adding that soon enough. As an aside, it also integrates into Basecamp
and can track time against basecamp projects/todo lists.

I *had* used QuickBooks Timer for years, which is an awful little tool
(written in VB3 it seems, still 16bit, Win-only, locks occasionally
requiring a reboot to turn off the beep/screech) but integrated really
well into Quickbooks for invoicing. The once/month 15m it takes to
generate the dozen or so invoices in QB that I've already sent out is
no big sacrifice in comparison, especially now that I'm on a Mac.

> I used to have a similar app on an old machine of mine but it has
> since fried (literally went up in smoke) and I can't remember what it
> was called or Google it.
> Thank for your suggestions,
> Aaron

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