I started to write a reply and decided to just post it to my blog: 


I didn't address CFX tags though. IIRC, you may need versions of those tags 
that have been compiled on Linux. If the CFX tag is a .DLL file, you may be out 
of luck.



>We're going to be undertaking a long-overdue upgrade from CF5 to CFMX 7.1. 
>At the same time we're considering moving from a Win2k server with IIS to 
>Linux and Apache.
>Obviously we're dealing with two issues - moving from CF5 to CFMX 7.1 and 
>moving to Linux, so we're wondering if doing both at the same time may be 
>too much.
>We use about a dozen CFX tags, so that's one issue to deal with.
>Most of our data is in MySQL.  But another issue we face is that a couple 
>of legacy applications use Access via ODBC.  The databases are complex 
>enough and the applications so seldom used that migrating these to MySQL 
>isn't really feasible.  I'm not sure what that means should we move to 
>What other problems might we expect to encounter?

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