What is the referrer saying when it happens?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Claude Schneegans
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Fri Jun 01 22:21:54 2007
Subject: Method=GET received as POST by CF


Although I'm not sure this could be related to CF, but I'm having some 
weird errors
caused from time to time in some form action template not able to find 
anything in the form scope.
I'm certain the template is called with METHOD="POST", but when the 
error occurs,
a CFDUMP on the form scope is empty, and the CGI variable REQUEST_METHOD
contains "GET".
How can this happen ?
It is out of question that the user is trying to horse around with the 
template, first they pay me to develop their application, secondly, I'm 
pretty sure they will never be able to do it anyway ;-)

Their browser is IE 7.
And yes, I also pass some parameters in the URL, but it is not supposed 
to cause any problem.

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