Yeah, but EX5.5 is defunk now, I mean didn't support stop on this like 2 or
so years ago?

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-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Watts
To: CF-Talk
Sent: Wed Jun 27 14:42:56 2007
Subject: RE: CF Editor

> I wasn't referring to Mark at all...that was directed at the 
> people responding to bug reports for Eclipse.  Instead of 
> basically telling everyone with Vista they are SOL because 
> the zipping protocol they use or something within how they 
> zip their files doesn't work in Vista...they should be trying 
> to fix that issue so that it is compatible with Vista...even 
> if it is a limitation coming from Vista.  By telling everyone 
> tough crap...I'm not doing squat about's a Vista 
> issue and it is MS's problem, not theirs...that is a piss 
> poor attitude.  I can't imagine Symantec, Yahoo, or any other 
> software company just say...tough crap...Vista users are just 
> SOL...and anyone expect them to stay in business for long.
> Now granted Eclipse is free...but free does ensure success 
> when they are being rude or acting like small children in 
> anti-MS mode.

If you can't imagine any other software company would just say "tough crap",
you have been amazingly lucky. I get told "tough crap" all the time from
vendors who were happy to sell me things and take my money. Sometimes,
vendors won't even answer your questions without a support contract, and
then when you do get one, their answer is "that doesn't work" or "maybe in
the next release".

I could list just the times that's happened this week - and it's only
Wednesday - but it's making me angry just thinking about it, and I'd
probably regret it later. Oh, well, here's a golden oldie from earlier this
year. DST 2007 support for Exchange 5.5 - Microsoft says "tough crap, unless
you want to pay us upward of $5k for a DLL that we have".

And when "tough crap" boils down to "use Winzip", that's not really putting
you out too much.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

Fig Leaf Software provides the highest caliber vendor-authorized
instruction at our training centers in Washington DC, Atlanta,
Chicago, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, or on-site at your location.
Visit for more information!

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