For some reason, this post didn't make it through the mail system.

>I have structured my web site (CF8) so that my config settings are
>outside of the web root such as this:
>I'm building the site at: and will
>publish it to
>With the exception of the C:\Config folder, all other folders will be
>published to the production site.  The contents of the C:\Config folder
>will contain site-specific information such as the site name
>"AceLinkTest" vs "AceLink" and different values for session and
>application timeouts.  (The test site will have shorter timeouts.)
>Now, I'm building the Application.cfc and can't figure out the best way
>to set the Application variables such as:
> = #appName#;
>this.sessionTimeout = #sessionTimeout#;
>this.mappings["CustomTags"] = #customTagsServerPath#;
>I want to use either an Include or Component (not wanting to argue which
>is better), but I can't include a config.cfm file if it's outside the
>web root since the mapping is not yet created.  I can't create the
>mapping because I can't read the config.cfm file that is outside the web
>I want to keep the web site as dynamic as possible, regarding server
>paths and URLs, and also keep a separate directory for my site
>configuration.  However, where do I get that first bit of information
>that ties it all together?

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