What's the deal with people who think that you should be happy to pay more
because there are new features.

That makes no sense what so ever. If there were no new features, then you
wouldn't need a new version. It's the quantity and quality of new features
that makes people decide if they are even going to upgrade. The fact that
it's an upgrade means they get your money again, so there is no need to get
your money again + a premium for new features.

If all the ColdFusion die hard's who go hide in a hole and don't speak up
when something like this stupid pricing happens then these problems are
never going to get addressed. People are too scared to say what they think
and risk tainting their perfect CF image.

I note that Ben & Ray have had nothing to say about the increased pricing,
in fact they just kinda did a soft release and hope that it would sweep
under the carpet, and no one would notice. Very Poor!

Dale Fraser


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