On 7/31/07, Sean Corfield wrote:
> Change the comparison. It should not be about technologies, it should
> be about solutions.

This, actually, is one of my points- It seems like it's all about the tech,
vs. the solutions.

Solutions-wize, is actually where PHP and the other Open Languages
are challenging CF.  Because of Open Source, if you ask me, but hey,
the fact remains, that PHP, etc. "solutions" are getting pretty freaking
slick.  Easy, good UI design, etc..  Talk about Rapid!  Sheesh!

Just playing with the (free) PHP plug-ins my host offers blew me away.

You could be half-brain dead and whip out a pretty nifty "solution".
-This is not how it used to be.-

Not to mention, they're not "server/CPU centric" like ColdFusion.
(Re: the google method, or whatever- farms or flocks, as the case
may be)

And CF is more a means, vs. a "solution", I reckon.  Depending.
Since it's all solutions enveloped with/in solutions, or whatever.

I just can't stand this talk of "it's a hard sell to the enterprise cuz
it's so inexpensive (not cheap, tho ;)" being justification for a price
hike.  The hard work put in, sure- but the "appearance" argument
pisses me of a bit.

The idea that money doesn't matter to enterprises, is ludicrous.
Seems like people think enterprise means unlimited $$?  Or
that value is assessed using a single vector?  The "Price" of X?!?!

By this argument, no "enterprises" use Linux, Apache, etc.- or some
strange logic like that.  Does that sound correct?  ROI is easy, right,
since everyone and their grandma is a millionaire?  Oh, what, you
mean it's as complicated a topic as you'd like it to be? *sigh* I see.
Depends on your time frame, I guess.

So... calculating value is really that easy for folks, huh?  Man, I'm a
freaking mess, I reckon.  I find it sorta hard.  Intangible, even.
I've never been much of one for licensing, tho.  Support, sure- work,
fine- but money for having an idea?  Seems like cheating.

I wonder what the world would be like if everything went public domain
after 7 years or whatever.  ** Ok, enough crazyness.

Sell people (the good way;) (or hardware).

PS says the dude making <$25 an hour

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