BlueDragon have come out with a price comparison

On 8/2/07, Eric Roberts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Nope...just good competition that will just improve CF in the long run.
> Eric
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vince Bonfanti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2007 8:17 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Adobe Nails ColdFusion Cofin
> > Larry
> >
> > Why move at all? I mean, the reason you would upgrade is to get
> > features you dont currently have. Saying you will move to another
> > engine which .. err.. last time I looked, didnt have those features,
> > well, go for it!
> Here's a possible reason: suppose he needs to deploy on JBoss and JDK 1.6?
> If he's currently running CFMX7, that configuration isn't supported. This
> leaves him two options: BD 7.0 or CF8. If price is important to him and he
> doesn't need the new CF8 features that BD 7.0 doesn't support, then BD 7.0
> is a valid choice.
> Or, here's another possibility: what if what he really needs is not just
> Java-to-.NET bridging (as provided in CF8), but full integration with
> ASP.NET such as the ability to do session sharing? In this case,
> BlueDragon.NET 7.0 is the only choice.
> There are many "new" features in CF8 that are already supported by BD 7.0
> (or earlier releases). None of these features are in CFMX7, but can be
> found
> in both BD 7.0 and CF8:
> - .NET integration
> - image processing (CFIMAGE)
> - query caching with CFQUERYPARAM
> - CFC serialization (J2EE Session scope clustering)
> - duplicate() for CFCs
> - CFC interfaces
> - multi-threaded programming (CFTHREAD)
> - per-application mappings
> - onMissingTemplate event handler for Application.cfc
> - Windows Vista / IIS7 support
> - Mac OS X Intel support
> - JBoss support
> - JDK 1.5 and 1.6 support
> Yes, there are features in CF8 that aren't in BD 7.0; there are also
> features in BD 7.0 that aren't in CF8. The relevant questions are: which
> features do you want, and how much do you want to pay?
> My point is: it's not at all irrational or unreasonable for ATCC or others
> to choose BD 7.0 over CF8, if BD 7.0 provides a better combination of
> features and price to meet their needs.

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