> What do you mean by code coverage?

Per the wonders of wikipedia:

"Code coverage is a measure used in software testing. It describes the
degree to which the source code of a program has been tested."

I have just joined a new team, and we have quite a bit of legacy code for
older products and we are looking to track our progress of unit test
implementation.  I can "roll my own" code coverage tool to give generic "5%
test coverage" type responses from the meta data of the CFCs, but with the
(great!) unit testing surge in the CF community I was hoping there was a
preexisting solution.

I know that test coverage reports can be misleading as even with 100%
coverage, the quality of the tests are (generally) a more important metric.
That said, we are interested in analyzing the increase in unit tests in
relation to developer productivity (ease of refactoring), regression bugs,

Rich Kroll

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