Er, you think THAT is less complicated than Fusebox?

Look, I know the frameworks can seem daunting at first, but they really
aren't. In fusebox, what you're asking about can be done as simply as:

<fuseaction name="showProduct">
      <set name="product" value="#application.productService.getProductByID(
attributes.productID )#" />
      <include template="dspProduct" />

And then the query or object named "product" is available in your
dspProduct.cfm file. It doesn't get much easier than that. To be honest, all
of the HTML front-controller frameworks work pretty similarly but with
different syntaxes. In my opinion, by far the most challenging (and fun)
part is building the model, which is a totally separate topic and can get
extremely complex depending on the needs of the application.

On 10/10/07, Morten Kruse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I do think that I will program it by myself. I like to be in controle.
> This Best practice from Benorama looks very good.
> Therfore I think that I will try this first.
> If everything fails with that I will use Fusebox.
> But I do not like it. Maby if I get more into it I will.
> Any one that have any expirence?

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