I should have clarified my question.  I completely realize that the 'form'
and 'url' scopes (structs) still exist inside the various frameworks, so I
know that I can directly reference them.  However, in an "OO world", you're
technically not supposed to reference outside scopes.  That is what is
driving my question.

For instance, I know that I can do this...

<cfif structKeyExists(form, "myVar")>
    <!--- do my stuff --->

.... but in an "OO-like" application, we're supposed to do something more
along the lines of the following:

<cfif event.valueExists("myVar")>
   <!--- do my stuff --->

That value may very well exist, but it could have come via a 'get', when I
want to verify it is from a 'post'.  So, maybe my question is better worded
this way...

Is it okay to directly reference the form scope in my OO-like controllers?
Or is there another way for me to guarantee that the variable is a post vs.


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