You might also download the litepost application from Google Code. It is 
a fairly simple blogging application, written in Model-Glue, Mach-II and 
Fusebox, all using the same modeling components. Not well documented, 
but good code read. Also incorporates ColdSpring. This is more about 
utilizing frameworks, but it does show how a well written model can be 
utilized with any framework (including your own).

Steve "Cutter" Blades
Adobe Certified Professional
Advanced Macromedia ColdFusion MX 7 Developer

Erik-Jan Jaquet wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking for some good tutorials, or example apps (open source projects) 
> on using Object Oriented Programming. I have read several good ones, and I am 
> starting to grasp the concept.
> But the tutorials I read ( among others) only discussed a object 
> that has no connection to other objects. What I am looking for is a good 
> example on using objects that holds data across several db tables. For 
> instance, I have a company table that holds a companytypeID. I have a table 
> companytype, with an ID and a description. How can I create an object that 
> shows not only the companytypeID but holds another object with the 
> companytype data?
> And how does it work when I want to assing multiple contacts to a company. 
> How do I add this to my company object?
> Anybody know where I can find sample code or good tutorials? Any help would 
> be greatly appreciated.
> Kind regards,
> Erik-Jan Jaquet
> Toomba 

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