You probably have some kind of nested circular reference in what is being
dumped, which essentially will generate an infinite loop.

On Nov 12, 2007 12:45 PM, Brad Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Something a little weird this morning.  We use Fusebox and have a
> site-wide error handler which takes the cfcatch object, wddx's it and
> logs it to our database.  This usually only takes a second or two to
> process.
> This morning SeeFusion E-mailed me about some long running requests.  I
> looked into it and a user kept refreshing a page which was calling an
> erroring stored proc-- "string or binary data would be truncated".  No
> biggie- we get that error often if some lazy SQL programmer doesn't
> check the column sizes of his temp tables.
> This was the weird thing though-the pages would run for up to half an
> hour processing this line of code:
> <cfwddx action="cfml2wddx" input="#cfcatch#" output="cfcatchXML">
> And when I tried to E-mail myself the cfcatch object by dropping a
> cfdump into a cfmail, I would immediately get a "500 NULL" reply.
> I've only gotten those when trying to serialize incredibly huge
> structures.  My guess is, the cfcatch object is hideously huge-but how?
> Why?"  Since when?
> Since I can't look at it, I don't know what's in it.  I can cfloop over
> it as a collection and output the key names, but I think I have some
> sort of endless nesting which would take a recursive function to get at
> and would probably error just like the cfdump did.  Funny thing
> is-memory usage isn't high at all.  Not even remotely.
> A quick look at my server.log file showed this error:
> java.lang.StackOverflowError
> Ok, go figure.  A glance at the SeeFusion stack trace showed this:
> The top of the trace said this:
> "jrpp-94" runnable
>        - locked <283> (a sun.misc.Launcher$ExtClassLoader)
>        - locked <284> (a sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader)
>        - locked <272> (a java.lang.Class)
>        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>        at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
>        at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
>        at java.beans.Introspector.instantiate(
>        at
> java.beans.Introspector.findExplicitBeanInfo(
>        at java.beans.Introspector.<init>(
>        at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(
>        at java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(
>        at
> coldfusion.wddx.BeanSerializer.writeObject(
>        at
> coldfusion.wddx.WddxOutputStream.writeObject(
>        at
> coldfusion.wddx.BeanSerializer.writeObject(
> and was followed by *800* lines this:
>        at
> coldfusion.wddx.BeanSerializer.writeObject(
>        at
> coldfusion.wddx.WddxOutputStream.writeObject(
> Any ideas on how I can determine what is causing an error detail
> structure so large it can't be serialized, or dumped without a stack
> overflow?  Is that a bug in CF?
> How come this has never happened before that I have ever seen until
> today?  I can reproduce it on more than one server.
> ~Brad

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