
Regarding WDDX I have some (admittedly hazy) recollection as to its origin
and development that I gained from using it to port stock quotes from CF to
Java, ASP, Perl and PHP. Here's what I remember - but take it with a grain
of salt since I'm pulling this out of my 

WDDX is a pretty old standard going all the way back to CF 4. It was
originally developed by the Allaire guy (an fellow who's name escapes me - I
had great difficulty pronouncing it anyway:) who was responsible for most of
the CF original engine. He used it in an ingenious fashion to marshal data
back and forth between various internal modules of CF and decided it should
be exposed externally so he implemented CFWDDX. 

Since it's original intent was superseded by advances in serialization I
suspect that it is not longer used like that internal. It has not changed a
great deal from those days. Certainly the standard is the same since the
late 90s. It is a very useful and light weight way to retain objects in a
flat format (exactly as you are using it) but I would not expect it to get
much attention from the current development effort of CF. I suspect it's
left in there as a legacy and I'm guessing that it frustrates some of the
Java gurus tasked with porting the CF code from the old C++ days... It's
just a guess :) 

Maybe Ben Forta or one of the other gurus who sometimes monitor this list
can shed some lite on it or correct my foggy recollection.

I like what you are doing with WDDX and I get the idea - I just think that
WDDX itself might be a weak link in the chain. Having said that - the case
you mentioned where an SP is throwing multiple nested errors certainly must
be an exception. In most cases I think it would work quite well.


-----Original Message-----
From: Brad Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2007 2:20 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: dumpy goodness

> My guess would be that the SQL code behind the error is quite large

That much did turn out to be true.

> pushes WDDX beyond it's buffer limit. In the old days you couldn't
build a
> packet bigger than 64k (or something like that). 

That sort of makes sense (but not really-- I would have expected  more from
CF than that).  That wouldn't explain why dumping it gave me a 500 NULL
unless it was SUUPER huge.  I've dumped some meaty result sets before
without trouble.  I guess the different was how far it was
nested-- several hundred levels deep.  The individual structs weren't too
big probably-- just deep.

> Out of curiosity - what is the purpose of serializing the cfcatch

Like I said-- for error logging.  We have a pretty cool system of CFC's for
logging errors as well as other processes in our system.  We log Java errors
(from our Java team's apps), CF errors, and JS errors (via JavaScript try
catches that call an error logging web service).  We capture who did it,
when they did it, what server they were on, what version of browser they
were using, the full cfcatch object (or JavaScript error object), the form
and url scope and a couple of other things.  A scheduled job E-mails out all
of our application's errors every 15 minutes to a group of people to monitor
them and put in bug fixes if necessary.  That way we can report on who is
getting errors, what they are, and when.  
Since cfcatch is a complex object, it needs to be serialized for storage in
the database.


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