> I am assuming it is some sort of form, correct? If so, one of the
> fastest ways to stop bot submissions is a good ole captcha. 

A really stupid and quick method that works in a pinch is to put a fake 
form with maybe one input and a submit before the real form on the page 
and hide it with CSS. The spambots fill out the hidden form and never 
get to the real one. Be sure to grab their ip address and all that other 
good information for tracking putposes while you're at it, if you're 
interested in that sort of thing.

I've got a "Contact Us" form on a site that has, as the first thing on 
the form, "What sound does a cow make?" with answers "meow", "quack" and 
"moo" with radio button checkboxes. Answer incorrectly, and the form 
isn't submitted. In four months, not a single spambot has managed to 
submit the form!

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